Certain things need to be enjoyed on a Sunday morning sitting on the floor while eating a bowl of Fruit Loops or perhaps Apple Jacks. The collection of serials from 1936 titled Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers is one such. You need to be in the right frame of mind to enjoy these. If you are looking for great acting and nuanced performances you should probably be watching On Golden Pond but if great over the top dialog pleases you then you have come to the right place. If you want jaw dropping special effects such as only computers can generate you should go looking for your Transformers DVD. However if you have an appreciation for practical effects put together with shoe strings and some gum and can appreciate the pure genius behind some of the visuals such as the Cloud City or even the look of the ray guns then you will smile. If you like your women so thin you can see the striations on their collar bones and your men so jacked on steroids that they can no longer bend their arms you will not be pleased. If, on the other hand, a naturally beautiful woman who doesn't believe in self starvation can turn your head or a man who is built not by chemicals but by doing a million push ups and jumping jacks impresses you, then you will be happy. Set aside your cynacism and your cares for 20 minutes and you will be treated to an adventure it would take a modern movie maker 2 hours to tell. A tale of Good vs Evil where good triumphs and justice is done.
Netflix Status: Currently Streaming