Since I'm one of the three or four BLACK OPS recipients who actually played the game, I thought it'd be cool to chat with Rob Daviau about RISK- not only about the revisions, but also why the game is significant, worth playing, and still relevant today- no matter what the hobby board gaming cognoscenti say. All this babble about "gateway games" and more people still, to this day, get into the hobby by way of playing RISK when they're a kid than ever have playing TRANSAMERICA.
The interview is over at , of course- where people likely don't hate RISK as much as they do at other boardgaming sites because they haven't yet developed that "I'm so sophisticated and beyond mass market games" stick up their ass yet. Next week is a TWBG installment (featuring special guest director Martin Scorcese) but the following week will be the BLACK OPS/RISK refresh review. Preview- yes, I liked it a lot.
Now, let's see if this F:AT article gets 3,500 hits...