In a typical week, the manliest thing most husbands or boyfriends get to do is haul the trash to curb. Unless he is an AT gamer. I know it’s all make believe, but watching a man’s mind work, witnessing him crush his enemies, seeing his victory dance – it’s all good. Honestly, I don’t understand why so many men have trouble getting their women to play with them. What woman doesn’t want to spend an evening flirting with a warrior, a Viking, a hunter, a superhero?
Oops, I just remembered. The first game you are supposed teach the little woman is about matching colored cards. W00T look at me. I can count and know all my colors. Yeah, that was impressive back in kindergarten.
I believe that little anonymouse said something about AT games being adolescent. Did this guy turn twenty and exchange his testosterone for a calculator and a minivan? And how does his woman really feel about that?
This is a copy of an article originally published on the old F:AT blog. Read original comments .