I'm abusing my blogging privileges here to endorse a product that was created by people that I know personally, but you'll thank me for it. I promise.
Go right now to http://www.hoverboy.com
For more than 70 years, Hoverboy has been your staunch defender of the Ameritrash Dream, and he's finally returning to publication after a hiatus of 28 years. Issue #1 should be available right now from your local comic book retailer. I just picked up my copy last Friday, and it's excellent.
The website features some amazing archival material, including Hoverboy covers from the Golden and Silver Ages, a full episode of the old Hoverboy cartoon show, and even a restored trailer from a 1947 Hoverboy animated feature. If you're unfamiliar with the rich history of this seminal figure in comics history, the outstanding documentary will fill you in.
And if you're going to be in Toronto in August, be sure to attend FanExpo to view an amazing display of vintage Hoverboy memorabilia culled from several of the continent's most extensive private collections.