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Tigris & Euphrates board game
Board Games 3434
Great Euro with TONS of direct player conflict
Tigris & Euphrates is proof positive that you can have a Euro that features heavy and direct player conflict.

The game has an abstract feel but actually pays decent nods to its theme, particularly in the conflicts that arise and how they're handled between joining kingdoms (or if an usurper Priest or King shows up to try and wrest power away.)

The random tile draws keep everything fresh, you can go for the throat when you're in a position of power, and best of all you can be sneaky and force fights between rival kingdoms! Like the best wargames, the object is to take ground, hold ground, and strike the enemy where they're the weakest, and at just the right time.

Looking forward to the Fall '08 reprint, which will feature a double-sided board and a new 'building' type.

Just a sweet, sweet game and easily one of the best Euros ever made.

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