The role-playing World of Glorantha was created as a semi-public-domain project by Greg Stafford around 1966 as a mental exercise. Eventually, Greg published a wargame based on his world called White Bear and Red Moon. In fact, Chaosium was founded to allow Stafford to publish this boardgame! This game later became the excellent Dragon Pass game. White Bear and Red Moon was enough of a hit to spawn a second war game, Nomad Gods, and, more importantly, inspired some D&D fans to write a gaming system that would allow role-playing in Glorantha. Thus was RuneQuest born.
- Board Games
- Dragon Pass
Dragon Pass
Editor reviews
1 reviews
Basically an old fashioned hex and counter wargame buried under a ton of fantasy chrome. The gameplay is mediocre - a lot of it comes down to guessing which stacks are hiding dangerous units but the fantasy theme is evoked brilliantly. I have an immense nostalgic soft spot for this game because it's one of the introductions I had to the hobby.
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