How will you lead your nation?
Conserve your resources, or spend on military? Send your people to work, or invest in their national heritage? Avoid famine and war, hire workers and architects and raise wonders that will stand the test of time. In the end, only one nation can rise to the top. A deep, challenging game, Nations will force players to make difficult decisions and deal with unpredictable events. Balance future growth with the need for current resources. Deploy your people as soldiers or laborers. Invest in progress or hire architects. Create new buildings or establish colonies. Hire advisors to take you through the ages and create a nation to outshine all the rest.
Nations is an intense historical board game for 1–5 players that takes 40 minutes per player to play. Players control the fate of nations from their humble start in prehistoric times until the beginning of World War I. The nations constantly compete against each other and must balance immediate needs, long-term growth, threats, and opportunities.