Reviews written by Jexik
Decent game, but I'm concerned that some of the upgrade paths aren't worth following. The food felt underutilized and everyone wanted in on that green Bliss track.
Maybe I just need to play it more, but it's a drafting game where there's too much going on to interact with the others at the table or their position on the board.
We blasted through this 3-player in just a couple weeks. Risk Legacy was also good, but this one basically defined a new genre, for better or worse.
One of the best games to play with family. It's so simple it feels like anyone could design it, but it's actually pretty brilliant.
A brutal campaign about slaying monsters and using their body parts to gain equipment and improve your colony. Player death abounds. It's also a monster of a game, being difficult to store and get to the table.
A fun bluffing game that often goes to the people who don't lie much.