Reviews written by Jexik
I'm just not a fan of low to mid weight worker placement games. The resources are too bland- when scored, they basically equate to however many pips you had to roll on the dice to acquire them.
Play a tile. Resolve mergers. Draw a tile. That's it, but it's glorious.
The only thing holding this game back is that sometimes the night phase feels as long as the game itself.
Played it once and didn't love it. There are other good games out there without the hefty price tag and FOMO Kickstarter BS.
A single play is short and brutal, but it's best played many times in a row as you learn each other's tells. Endgame with 2 players often feels scripted, but this is still a favorite of mine.
It's cute and light, but there are better drafting games out there.
Felt more like wrestling the game than playing something. Chudyk has done better.