Reviews written by JoelCFC25
The C&C system is probably best suited to ancient warfare (although I haven't tried BattleLore and have no interest in doing so). If you are familiar with the basic concepts from Memoir '44, this game bolts on fairly simple but essential concepts like evasion and battle back. Solid formations and smart positioning of leaders get rewarded over time, as you can strengthen your attacks and avoid punishing retreats.
It's all packaged up nicely. Terrain adds some flavor without burdensome rules, and the blocks are really attractive. I'm glad they didn't use chits or minis for this game...somehow it just feels right the way it is. The scenarios can be played in about an hour.
Plus it has elephants! OK, they are pretty difficult to use effectively due to fragility, but trampling enemies with elephants is just so awesome.
Terrific game, one I would happily play with a group that knows the rules well and can stay on task. It's incredible that such a detailed game with wildly different objectives for each power could be designed at all, let alone with the stellar rulebook and minuscule amount of errata that Here I Stand has. Designer Ed Beach has to be among the best in the business for providing ongoing clarifications and support of the game.
Ultimately it's nowhere near as complex as a 44 page rulebook would have you believe. You get the hang of the procedures for movement, attacks, assaults, and unit construction pretty quickly. The flavor is really in the dealmaking and diplomacy that set the stage for each turn.
This is a gaming experience unlike any I've really had.