Reviews written by Rliyen
Game's okay, but the rule book doesn't do it any favors.
I was enamored in the early nineties by this great game. Alas, it lost its luster after several expansions (some of them horribly broken and not well thought out), piss poor support for Beta testers, and becoming such a money sink that you had to spend craploads of money on the newest expansion just to keep up with the Joneses left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Stopped playing regularly in 1998 and traded entire collection to a kid breaking into the habit for a set of Heroscape (nice minis to use in other tabletop, less so in the actual game).
It's a good filler game, doesn't take long to play, and fills in several games in an hour. It's D&D for people with no tolerance for evening long sessions.
Relatively easy to pick up and great fun to play. Reminded me of the KODT: HACK! game that came out so many years ago.
I've played the game several times two player (haven't had the chance to use the 3/4 player expansion yet) and I have had a blast. AP and fun murderers need not apply. The theme is more than pasted on, more like superglued, and the mechanics integrate well with the theme.