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23 Apr 2021 11:55 - 23 Apr 2021 11:58 #322463 by Sagrilarus
2nd Edition books go for about $30 if they're clean. I bought a second set because there were four of us playing in the house a couple of years back. AD&D Dieties and Demigods goes for a few bucks more if it's the first printing with the extra content.

Quadropolis didn't last long on my shelf either. A really luke warm play. Some game you just don't care what your score is at the end and Quadropolis is that in spades.
Last edit: 23 Apr 2021 11:58 by Sagrilarus.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Rliyen

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18 May 2021 15:21 - 19 May 2021 06:52 #323278 by Cranberries
I figured out how to export my "previously owned" list from BGG. This goes back to 2005. There are some good games that I got rid of because I couldn't persuade family or gaming groups to play them, or I was just too lazy to figure out the rules in some cases. I wish I still had the following, either because they might hit the table more now, or because they have object value, I guess. Really, I need to put more effort into building a gaming group, but the thought is exhausting.

Commands & Colors: Ancients (2006)
Netrunner (1996)
Manoeuvre (2008)
Summoner Wars: Master Set (2011)
Wings of War: Burning Drachens (2005)
Neuroshima Hex! 3.0 (2006)
Wizard Kings (2000)
Wings of War: Famous Aces (2004)
Ace of Aces: Handy Rotary Series (1980)
G.E.V. (1978)
Dune (1979)
Hammer of the Scots (2002)
Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster (1985)
Ace of Aces: Balloon Buster (1985)
Wings of War: Balloon Busters (2010)
Nemo's War (2009)
Pax Porfiriana (2012)
Haggis (2010)
Greenland (2014)
Pax Pamir (2015)
Duel of Ages II (2013)
Shadows Over Normandie: Achtung! Cthulhu (2015)
Kemet (2012)
Last edit: 19 May 2021 06:52 by Cranberries.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Erik Twice

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27 May 2021 17:31 #323516 by Jackwraith
Looking to make a trade for as much Heroes of Land, Sea, and Air stuff as I can find. This is what the current trade list looks like:

Something that may get added to that list is a Jarl-box version of Champions of Midgard. The only reason it isn't currently on the list is because a session at the FLGS, pre-pandemic, cost me the round marker. I'm currently in the process of obtaining a replacement from Grey Fox, but I don't yet have it in my possession and I don't usually put incomplete games up for trade. I was thinking of pitching a trade of that whole thing (base game, both expansions, Jarl box stuff, including the chicken mount) plus something else substantial for the HoLSA base game and three expansions (Chaos, Pestilence, Pestilence booster) with a guy on BGG, if that gives you any idea of my frame of mind re: potential trades.

I'd prefer to do it in one shot if someone has a fair amount of HoLSA stuff, but I'm willing to talk piecemeal with more than one person if it comes down to it. Just FYI: Everything on my list is in great condition EXCEPT the copy of Dune, which is 40+ years old (the AH sandworm version) and showing its age (still perfectly playable, but has some rough spots; especially the box.) Black Hole and Holy War also aren't perfect, given their age. Everything else is played but damn near pristine.

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27 May 2021 22:53 #323521 by Ah_Pook
Out: Babylonia, History of the World
In: Feudum w/all the kickstarter stuff and expansions

Babylonia is great, but also I have T&E and Through The Desert and Samurai so yknow. History of the World I bought on sale for $10 and never got to the table. It looks fun, but also is not something i have a solid group for or would likely get to table any time soon even with in person gaming coming back online.

I'm giving Feudum 50/50 odds of being absolutely terrible, but im curious and it solos so I'll give it a shot. Plus it's local so no shipping.

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01 Jun 2021 08:16 #323603 by Ah_Pook
Out: The Batman Who Laughs Rising
In: Bruxelles 1893

I won that Batman game in a raffle on a twitch stream. No particular interest in it, so I put it up for trade. This is the first bite I got. Bruxelles looks like a pretty wild heavy euro, so we'll see how that goes. I love the art nouveau style of it, and there's a pretty solid looking solo variant at the least.

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13 Jul 2021 23:40 - 21 Jul 2021 16:49 #324666 by Jackwraith
Out: A Most Dangerous Time: Japan in Chaos, 1570-1584
In: Angola

One MMP for another, I guess. I liked the idea of A Most Dangerous Time, but when it came down to actually playing it, it didn't really work for my usual 2-player partner. We play a lot of block wargames and semi-abstracts like War Chest and just found AMDT's more old school approach to be kind of onerous. If we're going to play a really involved game, I'd rather it be something card-driven like Paths of Glory or even wonkier like Triumph of Chaos.

But the fact of the matter is that, with most people I know vaccinated, it's far more likely that we're going to have more than two players on hand, which means something like Angola just fits the bill better for our more recent playing habits. So, when I got the trade offer, I figured it would probably work better.

Edit: Guess I cursed things by posting about it before it was actually in my hands as, for the first time in my trading exploits, a package has been officially lost in the mail. USPS claimed to have delivered it to a "reception/front desk/mail room", none of which exist at my address, and over several days of communication with the local post office (who claim that the person doing the delivering was our regular carrier), they've been unable to retrieve it from wherever they left it. So now I have to wait another week to file an insurance claim.
Last edit: 21 Jul 2021 16:49 by Jackwraith.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Sagrilarus, Msample, n815e

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08 Aug 2021 00:46 #325328 by Jackwraith
And, 'lo and behold, four days after I filed said insurance claim, which probably ended up in the hands of someone properly asking: "WTF?", the box with Angola shows up on my doorstep. So, successful trade after all.

(Why is Louis DeJoy still Postmaster General?)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Cranberries, Sagrilarus, Msample, hotseatgames

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08 Aug 2021 10:19 #325331 by Sagrilarus
I live down a dirt road and we have deck boxes just for deliveries. We’ll get our packages there or in the mailbox, but invariably the tracking shows “left at front door” or “handed to resident”. The data in that field means nothing.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Rliyen, Gary Sax

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08 Aug 2021 11:03 #325333 by Jackwraith
Right. But this is the first time I've ever had that problem. We've had stuff left at the mailbox occasionally (which is a good 150-200 yards from the front door) or left under a tree halfway down the driveway (which I informed the local office was highly unacceptable and they agreed), but it always just said "delivered." This was specifically "front desk/mail room/reception." When I filed the problem case online, a day later I was informed that my "problem had been resolved" and the package had been delivered to me. It hadn't. This was sent to me by a supervisor because the carrier had told him that he had gone back to the place he actually dropped it off, retrieved it, and brought it to me. This was obviously a lie. Then the carrier supposedly said he went to actually try to retrieve it and had done so and would deliver it the next day. Two days later, this hadn't happened, either (another lie.) So I went back and the supervisor told me that it was simply lost and the carrier couldn't get it back. No details. No indication of where it had been left so maybe I could go looking for it (this might be a liability issue.) Just "lost", case closed. Service in our area has degraded since DeJoy began screwing with things, along with the problems the USPS already had (lack of funding, increased demand in COVID times, etc.), but I've never had a problem like this. After experiencing the obvious end of multiple lies about my case, even if that field means nothing or is a placeholder, I can no longer believe anything they're telling me in the first place.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Cranberries

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17 Aug 2021 11:51 #325692 by barrowdown
Dark Valley Deluxe
Hitler's Reich
Near and Far
Near and Far: Amber Mines

A bunch of Check Your 6! scenario books
Fields of Fire Vol. 2
Space Empires 4X
Space Empires 4X: Close Encounters
Terraforming Mars

A bunch of games on my trade list/sell list that I have been unable to move all received trade requests in a short period of time, which was a very odd occurrence. Several interesting items coming in and items unlikely to be played in the near-term moving back out.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax

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11 Sep 2021 09:57 #326428 by Ah_Pook

The Edge: Dawnfall: a really cool game that didn't gain traction with the people I know that would play a 1v1 skirmish game, and the solo was just okay. theres a lot to like in here, but you need dedicated opponents to really get into the deckbuilding and stuff.


Massive Darkness w/ kickstarter stuff: this looks like exactly what I like in a dungeon crawler. my favorite of the genre is the early versions of the D&D adventure game series, when they were standalone missions instead of campaigns. No nonsense, low rules overhead... you get in, you roll dice and punch monsters, you get loot, the end. MD looks like that amped up to 11, and the standalone nature of the scenarios is a huge selling point for me. you start at lvl1, and by the end of a 90 minute scenario you level up a bunch and go through your little skill tree and get tons of loot and punch tons of monsters.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, Jackwraith, n815e

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20 Sep 2021 09:55 #326631 by Jackwraith
I've been putting more and more on my "Want to trade" list on BGG because I'm recognizing that I'm just not going to play them and I might as well angle for something that I want to try, despite some lingering attachment. This one didn't really have that attachment, so when the offer came in, I shrugged and accepted it.

Out: Outer Rim
In: Ethnos

I'm one of the iconoclasts here, in that I didn't care for Outer Rim at all. My one play as Boba Fett was possibly hampered by very poor luck, but the game's systems just didn't work for me and, if I were going to play a PU&D, I'd be much more interested in Firefly or M&M or something like that. Combine my mechanical disaffection with the fact that I'm just not that much of a Star Wars fan and it was easy to let this one go.

Ethnos is something I've had my eye on for a number of years, but only via trade. I'm interested to play, but not compelled to do so. It has a lot of approbation (even fervently anti-CMON Michael Barnes likes it!), so I feel content in that I'm getting a decent game, even if not a thrilling one, which is perfectly fine. Maybe it's something I'll try a few times and then put up on the trade block the same way it came in.
The following user(s) said Thank You: sornars, charlest, Ah_Pook

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06 Oct 2021 16:56 #327033 by barrowdown
I received another flurry of trade requests. It seems it's just easier when I don't try and people start asking.

FAB: Sicily
Highway to the Reich
Napoleon Against Russia
Napoleon's Last Gamble: Battles of the Hundred Days
The Battle for Normandy (with expansion)
Gallipoli, 1915: Churchill's Greatest Gamble

Atlanta Is Ours
Battle Above the Clouds
Ardennes '44 (third edition)
ASL Starter Kit #4
ASL SK: Decision at Elst
Some ASL odds/ends (trader was just throwing them in, maybe some journals and parts copies of ASLSK 1&2)
Hunters from the Sky
Yom Kippur

I am most excited by the GCACW games and Decision at Elst, which has been a pain to find.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, Msample, Jackwraith, n815e

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12 Oct 2021 18:55 #327138 by Ah_Pook
D&D Conquest of Nerath

Glen More 2
Snowdonia Master Set

I traded for Feudum because I could never tell if it actually looked fun or not and wanted to poke at it. It continued to seem like a hot mess while I was poking at it, and was a nightmare to teach/learn too so yknow. I really thought Bonfire was cool but literally no one else I know liked it so hey. It was a poster child for baroque modern euro puzzle nonsense, for sure. Conquest of Nerath was fun to play a few times, but it really felt like a lost Game Master game from that fell out of a time warp. How often am I gonna have 4-6 hours to devote to something like that these days, let alone 3 other people to rope into it. On top of that I had some qualms about the balance and whatnot.

Coming in I've got a few lighter euros, but giant dumb new versions of them. I think they'll go over well with my wife and some of our friends, but they're games I'm happy to trade for rather than pay exorbitant Kickstarter money for yknow. The original Glen More was fantastic, so I'm quite looking forward to checking out the new one.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, sornars, DarthJoJo, n815e

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12 Oct 2021 19:14 #327139 by Dr. Mabuse
OUT: Arkham Horror LCG w/ Dunwich and Dream Eaters expansions
IN: Cash

This was the second time buying it and trying it. After Gary Sax's comprehensive review I realised that this will never be the game for me.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Rliyen, Gary Sax, dysjunct, jay718, mezike, sornars, Gregarius, n815e

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