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27 Apr 2022 17:59 - 27 Apr 2022 18:00 #332617 by southernman

southernman wrote: From the bi-monthly UK math trade:

Sub Terra collectors edition
Hunt for the Ring
Nexus Ops
& Risk:SWOT (sorry Rliyen, it has not been getting any plays for a while now :whistle:)

Cthulhu Death May Die
Forgotten Waters
Maximum Apocalypse
+ a couple of expansions

Hey Rliyen - I just traded Risk: SWOT back in :laugh:, along with Star Trek Ascendancy: Borg Assimilation expansion for three small games I hardly play these days (well Love Letter Batman does get a few plays but it went anyway).
I hope I am out of your shit book now.
Last edit: 27 Apr 2022 18:00 by southernman.
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28 Apr 2022 13:36 #332634 by Ah_Pook
Out: Cthulhu Wars + 2 factions + high priests

In: Caverna, Eclipse Second Dawn, some money

I absolutely love CW, but getting it played with anyone I know is basically a non starter so eventually these things move on yknow. Plus it's a local guy taking it so hopefully I'll get to play it some still.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, jpat, sornars, WadeMonnig, n815e

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28 Apr 2022 14:14 #332636 by n815e

Msample wrote: And it’s Compass so the rules/execution are probably shite.

I think the only game of theirs that I own is C&C Tricorne, but I really like the quality of the game.

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28 Apr 2022 14:32 #332637 by WadeMonnig

Ah_Pook wrote: Out: Cthulhu Wars + 2 factions + high priests

My CW plus 2 factions plus high priests is currently down the street with the neighbor teenager. He kept requesting to borrow it and the last time he did, I said just hold it until I want to borrow it from you.... about 6 months ago. Duels is still getting played though.
The following user(s) said Thank You: sornars, Nodens, DarthJoJo, Ah_Pook, n815e

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29 Apr 2022 07:49 #332655 by Legomancer
Not a trade, but I just did a huge purge in advance of my upcoming move. Out are:
Time Stories (plus 2 unopened scenarios)
Ad Astra
In the Shadow of the Emperor
The Insider
Wurfel Bohnanza
Chronicles of Crime
an ESCAPE! game
Catan Card Game + Expansions
Twilight Struggle Deluxe
Potemkin Empires
Pandemic Legacy (thought I might want to play through again)
Epic Card Game

I know there are a couple other but can't remember. Anyway, all gone. I got about $200 in store credit but more to the point, gone. Tried to get the store owner to order Leaving Earth for me but he can't. Instead I'm getting Cryo.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Cranberries, jpat, Jexik, DarthJoJo, n815e

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25 Jun 2022 21:20 - 25 Jun 2022 21:30 #333905 by Cranberries
I bought a copy of the Z- man edition of Tales of the Arabian Knights for $50 that I’m trying to sell on Facebook for $75 but no takers. The funny thing is, I can’t think of anything I want other than maybe Duel of Ages 2, which I would never play. Maybe Sekigahara. Shipping would kill me. The dumb thing is my kids, who will soon not live at home, would probably enjoy a few games of TotAK, having lived in the Middle East for a couple of years.
Last edit: 25 Jun 2022 21:30 by Cranberries.

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06 Jul 2022 21:19 - 06 Jul 2022 21:23 #334080 by Cranberries
I've been taking generic Adderall lately, and while I adjust to it my impulse control after the initial dose wears off is not that great. So I traded Tales of the Arabian Nights for a game that weighs 16 pounds with its eight expansions. It cost the shipper $50, and TotAN cost $25 to send to Georgia. So my total cost for this game I will receive with its eight expansions is $75, money I would not have paid up front. If we play it and like it, when we're done I'll trade it for Duel of Ages II if I can find it. That game will be my eternal toad. Although there is a new version coming out, so who knows.

Last edit: 06 Jul 2022 21:23 by Cranberries.
The following user(s) said Thank You: RobertB

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06 Jul 2022 22:08 #334081 by Sagrilarus
Anybody want Posthuman?

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07 Jul 2022 00:02 #334083 by Cranberries

Sagrilarus wrote: Anybody want Posthuman?

I want to want this game, but Dan Thurot gave it a 5. It feels like the Cruel Shoes, because the theme and game family is so tempting, but I know it will end with me crawling for the door, leaving behind a trail of blood.

Anna knew She had to have a new pair of shoes today, and Carlo had helped her try on every pair in the store. Carlo spoke wearily, "Well, that's it. That’s every pair of shoes in the place."
"Oh, you must have one more pair. . . .”
"No, not one more . . . . Well, we have the cruel shoes, but no one would want to try . . .
“Yes, let me see the cruel shoes!"
"No, you don't understand, you see, the cruel shoes are . . .'
"Get them!"
Carlo disappeared into the back room for a moment, and then reappeared carrying an ordi­nary shoebox. He took off the lid and re­moved a hideous pair of black and white pumps. But this was not an ordinary pair of black and white pumps; both were left feet, one had a right angle turn with sepa­rate compartments that pointed the toes in impossible directions. The other shoe was six inches long and was curved inward like a rocking chair with a vise and razor blades to hold the foot in place.
Carlo spoke hesitantly, ". . . Now you see . . . they' re not fit for humans . . ." "Put them on me."
"But... "Put them on me!"
Carlo knew all arguments were useless. He knelt down before her and forced the feet into the shoes.
The screams were incredible.
Anna crawled over to the mirror and held her bloody feet up where she could see.
"I like them."
She paid Carlo and crawled out of the store into the street.
Later that day, Carlo was overheard saying to a new customer, "Well, that's it. That’s every pair of shoes in the place. Unless, of course, you'd like to try the cruel shoes."

The following user(s) said Thank You: Rliyen, Sagrilarus, stormseeker75, Gregarius, Dive-Dive-Dive!

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07 Jul 2022 12:14 #334095 by Rliyen

Sagrilarus wrote: Anybody want Posthuman?

Anything in particular you want to trade for?

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07 Jul 2022 21:24 #334113 by Sagrilarus
I'd love a copy of Maria but I'm not gonna get it. What do you have lying around?

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07 Jul 2022 22:19 #334114 by RobertB
@Cranberries: According to my vast wikipedia chemical knowledge, levomethamphetamine is good in nasal decongestant inhalers. dextromethamphetamine is the active ingredient in crystal meth. And that's just left/right-handedness of the same molecule. Three atoms might make a big difference.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Cranberries, BillyBobThwarton

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08 Jul 2022 11:01 #334119 by Rliyen

Sagrilarus wrote: I'd love a copy of Maria but I'm not gonna get it. What do you have lying around?

I checked your trade list and unfortunately I have nothing on it. Feel free to look at mine and see if anything interests you. If not, no big deal. :)

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12 Jul 2022 17:14 #334186 by Jackwraith
Going out:
Heroes of Terrinoth

Coming in:
Fief plus expansions
Age of Conan plus expansion
Conspiracy: Abyss universe

The copy of Dune that's departing is my 1975, sandworm-cover, Avalon Hill version. Why? Because it's old and I have GF9's modern and much nicer copy (now with four new factions.) When we do (rarely) play Dune, I'm going to use the nice, new one and not the one that, indeed, looks like a 47-year-old game. I've been trying to trade it to a collector for a while and I managed to swing this deal with BoardgameCo, including with a forewarning that the game is a long way from NIS (obviously.) It's no real loss on my part, since I still own Dune. Fief is a game that I've played a couple times and enjoyed and this copy comes with a bunch of little expacs to add variety.

The Conan leaving is the Monolith 1-vs-many version. I know Charlie really likes the energy/action system in it and I agree that it is quite cool. But it's also a 1-vs-many, which don't get played around here all that often in the first place and, if one does, it's easier to sell people on something like The Others and TMNT than it is the ol' barbarian because he's just not that popular anymore... which likely leads one to ask: "Then why the hell are you trading for another Conan game?" Well, because I actually really liked Age of Conan when I first owned it, years ago. It's a solid DoaM and I was tickled by all the little references in the cards and gameplay to the original Howard stories. The problem is that no one else I regularly played with had read them, so to them it was just another DoaM. But I'm willing to try to make that pitch to the new groups I now play with and, like Fief, this comes with an expansion that I didn't even know existed.

Heroes of Terrinoth is a decent card game. But it's a co-op, which has to meet a high bar around here, and there's no hope of any variety being added which it kinda desperately needs. It was a decent effort under its original theme (Warhammer Quest) and when they re-released it in the Runebound universe, I was all about it. It was then promptly shelved by FFG and was also shelved by me. That, too, is something I've been trying to move for a while and it seemed like a decent exchange to get another card game in a setting that I'm familiar with from its parent game, Abyss, which I really like.
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12 Jul 2022 18:00 #334189 by charlest
So many great games coming and going there.

I love Conan dearly, but I get it.

Fief is so good. It's absolutely the peak Crusader Kings style board game in my opinion. The little expansions have some great content too. We always use the noble traits, archers, and bombards. Usually mix in one other mini expansion too.

I have that same edition of Dune, and I kind of prefer the goofy player shield artwork, but the new edition is certainly more clear in terms of rules and especially cards.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, Jackwraith, hotseatgames, sornars

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