As I delve into my first ever PnP project, which I think I may track via a FAT blog once construction actually starts, I find myself with a plethora of options on how to proceed.
I've designed some player aids and I was thinking about just getting them laser printed on 110# cardstock at the local print shop. I was hoping for a final product not unlike the TI race sheets. Is this the best way to do this and will it hold up without lamination or some other sealer?
#80 gloss is a winner, and you can print that in most home printers. But if you want to, then yeah, have it shot at the local printer, and have them laminate it too. If you have a laminator, then you can mount it to binder board using Elmer's spray glue. Then laminate, or just squirt it with a water-based sealer like some of that photo sealer you get at Michaels.
I got a laminator cheap at Hobby Lobby a few years ago. I'm still working my way through my first box of pouches and I laminate everything! I just print them on regular paper, laminate, and Bob's your uncle. My last projects were player aids for Flames of War and The Rules With No Name.