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× Painting Minis, Print & Play and Other Creative Type Stuff.

Opinions Needed (No shortage of those here...)

08 Sep 2012 17:32 #134036 by SuperflyPete

OK, I've got 9 tiles (8 shown, the one of screen is completely devoid of any features) here for Strange Aeons (or CBT if you assume the trees are 200 feet tall and you don't include the graveyard) and as you can see, a couple of tiles are devoid of anything.

One is getting the large Pegasus Gothic Ruins model...

and the rest are pretty much done. The graveyard needs final assembly and I'm going to flock it with burnt grass, as well as adding some tall grass around the edges to give it a more decrepit look. This includes a rust paintjob on the iron fence surrounding it.

So, here's the opinion I need:

What else should I put on there? I have material to make more bushes if I wish, but I'm out of road tape. The whole idea of this is that it can be configured in various ways using 4 tiles, 6 tiles, 8 tiles, or 9, depending on the scenario. So, what should the blank have? Should I leave it blank and just add the Pegasus ruins as a set piece rather than a permanent addition to the tile? Should I make some foam low fences? Hedges?

Or is it enough as is?

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08 Sep 2012 21:17 - 08 Sep 2012 21:17 #134043 by luckyb0y
A water feature? Small pond or stream with detachable bridge. Tthe whole thing doesn't even need to be fixed to any of the tiles so you can move it around.
Last edit: 08 Sep 2012 21:17 by luckyb0y.

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09 Sep 2012 01:35 #134054 by Dogmatix

luckyb0y wrote: A water feature? Small pond or stream with detachable bridge. Tthe whole thing doesn't even need to be fixed to any of the tiles so you can move it around.

This is a good one. The thing I find useful for minis gaming are "navigable but dangerous obstructions"--some way to give cover but that discourages turtling. When I played WW III micro armor, one of my favorites was a refinery w/storage area. It provided lots of areas to hide infantry as well as enough to navigate vehicles and even plant vehicle-based ambushes, but you couldn't just stay parked and hidden in there because a well-placed arty barrage would (no "could" our my world when it came to turtles ;) ) cause catastrophic fire and explosion with a large area-effect blast.

I know you have a huge terrain feature with that gothic building, but what about something that breaks up mass-bloc charges and provides some sort of terrain hazzard? Quicksand? Promethium tanks? Sewer outlets [with grates and maybe some blow'd-up-able off-gassing]? I dunno your game systems, but there's gotta be something like that.

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09 Sep 2012 05:36 #134058 by QPCloudy
Looks like garbage. Toss it out and start new.

Ok, honestly, I wish I could do this stuff. Looks great.

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09 Sep 2012 06:32 - 09 Sep 2012 06:33 #134059 by SuperflyPete
surprisingly, the wife had the EXACT same idea. Koi pond with bridge. So far I added a bunch of boulders and I added to the ruins tile, and we're devising how to do the Koi pond right. The tiles are 1/2 , so I could route out a 1/8 or 3/16 deep area, paint blue and fill with acrylic. Bridge..tongue depressors. Only question is the bridge frame as it has to be arched. I have the tools...just trying tomfigure out the texture.

Carmen: You will see this on Saturday.
Last edit: 09 Sep 2012 06:33 by SuperflyPete.

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09 Sep 2012 11:52 #134063 by DukeofChutney
elevation changes. Do you have hills you can take on and off, or more structures?

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10 Sep 2012 19:30 #134128 by SuperflyPete
Duke: There are hills and whatnot already, but they're a max of 2" high as the rules for this particular game (Strange Aeons) allows for cover of 1" or 2" height. There's also hedges, trees, and whatnot.

Bridge is done, as is the water underneath (which turned out brill!!) which is a quickset polymerized, catalyzed RTV material for mold making that I mixed with Carribean Blue apple barrel. I made it too thick and had to slice the top off, as it rests, it's now about 1/4 or 3/16 thick.

The boulder tile is done, drilled holes out of the rocks and in matching spots in the tile for mounting...a little 5K pound epoxy later and those rocks aren't ever coming off.

Also finished the ruins tile and sealed up 3 other tiles, which are now 100% done. Problem I have now is that mamasan isn't keen on going to the hardware store for me, and I'm out of matte sealer, so I can't go much further until I can get to the store. Ugh. Motion sickness sucks.

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11 Sep 2012 00:06 #134141 by SuperflyPete

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11 Sep 2012 02:56 #134144 by Nagajur
Awesome. You know, you could probably use a bell on the entrance to the graveyard. Perhaps a cowbell?
The following user(s) said Thank You: SuperflyPete

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11 Sep 2012 11:20 #134148 by luckyb0y
Looks great. The only thing I would change is the fence round the graveyard. You only have one entry point so either no point in going in there as you cant traverse it or a shooty unit deployed there is pretty much immune from charges. I would make it more dilapidated, have a few broken sections or something. Unless you just treat it as difficult terrain and it can be crossed, but i think a broken fence would fit the ruins better. Oh and stain the bridge, there is no way it would stay that clean for more than a couple of weeks.

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11 Sep 2012 12:53 - 11 Sep 2012 12:55 #134149 by SuperflyPete
The SA rules allow for going over 2" or lower obstacles and it allows shootings. Further, the reason for the graveyard is because the gravestones are spawn points for certain critters and it is going to be the focal point of some scenarios (cultists raising the dead and so on).

I am going to beat the fence up. I'm going to paint it rusty and snip out some bits as well. I should've done that to begin with, but I wanted all of the flocking that inadvertantly got stuck to the fence to act as "rust scale" after I painted it.

Yeah, that bridge...I was thinking of staining (Polyshades) but I was considering leaving it pine and simply sealing it with matte spray.
Last edit: 11 Sep 2012 12:55 by SuperflyPete.

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11 Sep 2012 21:04 #134180 by SuperflyPete
Nagajur and Luckyb0y...More cowbell.

Dog and Lucky...Water feature...with bridge...and painted

And I am Fuh-King DUHN.

Not another bit.

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12 Sep 2012 15:44 #134207 by SuperflyPete
This is bullshit.

I get this done, and then I find this....

unpainted for 99$ at the Ex Illis store.


I want my 140$ and 15 hours back.

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