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Anyway, the interesting thing is that they’ve essentially turned all backers into play testers. Rules and character updates are released most weeks with questions on play and fun. On the one hand it could seem lazy and even mildly exploitive. On the other it’s a way to keep excitement up and get the most perspectives on balance.
A counterbalance to the Evil Dead and Terminator news, mayhaps.
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Lords of Hellas Wave 2
Cthulhu Wars Onslaught 3
Batman Gotham City Chronicles
Western Legends
Run Fight or Die v2.0 (just finished up their funding portion)
Court of the Dead: Mourner's Call
Tiny Epic Zombies
Guardian's Call
Crusaders: Thy Will Be Done
Siege of the Citadel v2.0 (This one is a year late now and still waiting.)
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- hotseatgames
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Lords of Hellas, which is hellas late.
Nemesis - looking great.
Brook City - high hopes for this after Street Masters turned out to be awesome
Glamazons - um....
I'll be jumping in on Street Masters Aftershock on October 23.
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hotseatgames wrote: Kickstarters I'm awaiting...
Glamazons - um....
Ahh, those were the simpler days of years past.
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- Legomancer
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- Dave Lartigue
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I have the first edition. I think there's something there, but:
* I found the rules impenetrable and have not felt comfortable trying to teach it, even after being taught by others
* I suspect it will not go over well in my main group, and will be primarily for a subset of it. I already have way too many games to play with those particular players
* Right now I have the setup where the 1e sits in the box with Pax Porfiriana. Of the two, I'd currently much rather just play Porfiriana, which I know fairly well and like (and which still doesn't get a lot of play)
* $60 is pricey with so much hanging over it.
I read the 2e rules and they do seem a lot cleaner. But I'm still pretty sure that it's too conflicty and not wizardy enough for my main group. I don't need a $60 toad.
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Lords of Hellas 2nd Wave
CW Onslaught 3
Batman Gotham City Chronicles (I'm reselling this I think)
Dungeon Degenerates Expansions
Deep Madness (selling this one)
Mythic Battles: Pantheon 1.5
Skull Tales: Full Sail
I'm likely going to back new Claustrophobia as well.
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- Legomancer
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- Dave Lartigue
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Xia plus the thing and the thing
Dual Powers
Fire in the Library
Cogs and Commissars
Bloc by Bloc
also my friend and I went in together on the Nigerian Board Games thing on Indiegogo
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charlest wrote: I'll join in with my waiting on list:
Lords of Hellas 2nd Wave
CW Onslaught 3
Batman Gotham City Chronicles (I'm reselling this I think)
Dungeon Degenerates Expansions
Deep Madness (selling this one)
Mythic Battles: Pantheon 1.5
Skull Tales: Full Sail
I'm likely going to back new Claustrophobia as well.
On Batman, can you elaborate why you're thinking of selling it? The Conan battle system gets me giddy and the Batman theme is 150% more my jam in every way.
(Not an interrogation, just a conversation starter. My game tastes usually hew fairly closely to yours.)
EDIT: I've also been having a difficult time figuring out if there's any reason to back "new" Claustrophobia if you have the old + expansion.
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Deep Space D-6 (solo space-themed dice game)
Tripods & Triplanes (War of the Worlds meets Wings of Glory, literally)
Pulp Detective (solo detective dice game)
Martin Wallace's Lincoln (ACW game that I really waffled on. May sell without playing.)
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Ken B. wrote: On Batman, can you elaborate why you're thinking of selling it? The Conan battle system gets me giddy and the Batman theme is 150% more my jam in every way.
(Not an interrogation, just a conversation starter. My game tastes usually hew fairly closely to yours.)
I love Conan (although I do hate how it embraces Howard's objectification of women). I was on the fence on Batman and ultimately backed it because it was possibly now or never. I have a lot of Conan - stretch goals stuff, 2 of the big boxed expansions, a scenario book, a hardback campaign book. I'd rather just keep playing Conan.
EDIT: I've also been having a difficult time figuring out if there's any reason to back "new" Claustrophobia if you have the old + expansion.
The rules tweaks/changes from Croc are enough for me (he has my trust as a designer). Is that enough of a reason? Not totally sure. But I sold my copy of the original when this was announced and I'm in for it.
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The Estates (about a month out)
Songbirds (delayed, dunno)
Savage Planet: Fate of Fantos (imminent delivery)
Cake Duel (imminent delivery)
just backed:
Pax Pamir 2e
I've tried hard to stop backing kickstarters, but occasionally i end up backing one anyway. typically if my wife expresses interest I'll back something (Cake Duel, Songbirds). The others are just failures of willpower that would almost assuredly be better off bought at retail later. But hey, what can you do.
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On the non-KS front, my eyes are turning toward Railways of the World, which seems to be universally loved in my Geekbuddy list.
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I'm embarrassingly tempted by the new edition, even though I have no possible way to justify getting another copy of it. But I love the game and it's so pretty...Frohike wrote: On the non-KS front, my eyes are turning toward Railways of the World, which seems to be universally loved in my Geekbuddy list.
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Legomancer wrote: I read the 2e rules and they do seem a lot cleaner. But I'm still pretty sure that it's too conflicty and not wizardy enough for my main group. I don't need a $60 toad.
Hey man, I'm pretty sure we live in the same area (I teach down at HCC), feel free to give me a holler if you wanna play something weird and wonky that yr standard group may not dig.
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