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What MOVIE(s) have you been....seeing? watching?

14 Jul 2015 02:25 - 14 Jul 2015 02:27 #206217 by jay718

repoman wrote:
Also, the Doctor's name is not "MAH-boose" as I was pronouncing it but rather "mah-BOO-zuh". It's German after all. Please alter your mental pronunciation accordingly.

Mind: blown.
Last edit: 14 Jul 2015 02:27 by jay718.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Black Barney

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14 Jul 2015 17:22 #206253 by Black Barney
I've been mentally pronouncing it as MA-Byouse as in mad Gary Byousey

I'll continue to mentally pronounce it as such. You're not the boss of me.

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14 Jul 2015 19:34 #206264 by repoman
Oh Barney, when will you realize being stubbornly wrong doesn't make you an iconoclast. It just makes you wrong.

But hey, you want to anger be haunted by the crazy ghost of Fritz Lang, that's up to you.

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14 Jul 2015 19:53 #206266 by ChristopherMD
I've been pronouncing it the American way, which is like the word abuse with an m in front of it.

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14 Jul 2015 20:32 #206267 by Black Barney

repoman wrote: Oh Barney, when will you realize being stubbornly wrong doesn't make you an iconoclast.

Kelly Ripa called. She says, "no one knows what the word means, Reej."

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14 Jul 2015 21:33 #206275 by Sagrilarus
Minions. Saw it for free.

The kids liked it.

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14 Jul 2015 21:37 #206277 by Black Barney
Now THERE'S a gutsy movie to make!

*This post has been moderated due to excessive sarcasm*

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15 Jul 2015 10:02 #206302 by hotseatgames
Watched Expendables 3. This actually started out pretty strong... and quickly descended to groan-worthy action scenes and bad in-jokes. Please, please, no Expendables 4.

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15 Jul 2015 10:06 #206303 by Columbob
Yeah, you don't HAVE to watch it if it gets made. We all know what we're getting into sitting down in front of one of those.

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15 Jul 2015 10:23 #206305 by Shellhead
My mutant power is a special defense against bad movies: sleep. During my first viewing of each of the following movies, I dozed off early on and didn't wake up until near the end: Buckaroo Banzai, Eraserhead, and The Expendables. Unfortunately, I eventually watched Buckaroo Banzai again, and this time I didn't fall asleep.

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15 Jul 2015 10:29 #206307 by Egg Shen
Sharknado - I've been meaning to watch this one for a while. These shoddy, CGI animals attack, shitfests are typically not my thing, so I've avoid this film like an overdo colonoscopy since it became a sensation. Well, thankfully I streamed this on Netflix because if I paid anything to see this I would have been pissed.

First off some positives. The film was played mostly didn't go for the "we're in on the joke HAR HAR HAR" bullshit that seems popular in straight to DVD/VOD releases. Sure the actors know they're in a shit film, but they're actually trying to act. They aren't going for yucks. People don't kill a shark and rip off a cheesy one liner. Instead you get a bus full of children about to be attacked by sharks. It's got some humor and at times it's so fucking bad you can't help but giggle a bit. These assholes didn't know they were making an unlikely hit. So like I said, it's played MOSTLY straight and for horror rather than shits n giggles. 90210 alum Ian Ziering was affable enough as the lead and there was some sexy chick named Nova that I'd never seen before. Another highlight is how it had some decent gore effects. I was surprised by the level of violence considering this originally aired on Sy Fy (still hate typing it that way). That's about it for things I liked.

Onto the does this film have a TON of shitty CGI or what? Goddamn does it look awful. I mean I knew it was gonna be there, but it's like people aren't even trying anymore (yeah I get that The Asylum isn't a company worried about shit being good), but sweet Lucifer's bunghole have some pride. My main problem with CGI is that it makes things from the script that are unbelievable and un-filmable....possible. For example, there is a CG shot in the beginning of the film where it shows a bunch of shark fins in the ocean rushing towards the shore. It's an overhead helicopter shot and it's looks decent enough. Then it cuts to underwater where you see cartoon looking sharks zooming and chomping towards the screen. The overhead shot didn't look too bad...but that underwater shot was atrocious. So why the fuck put it in? The audience knows the sharks are swimming towards the shore. We don't need to see the variety of sharks all in one rushed shot. If filmmakers had some restraint they could avoid this shit.

So besides that garbage, the film was just kinda boring. It really drags in the middle and nothing exciting really ever happens. There aren't exciting escapes or memorable shark attack/sharks getting killed. It's just fucking dull. The ending has one memorable scene and some incredible dumb helicopter moments. The very few highlights don't do enough to keep you interested. I'd say watching this sober was my biggest folly of the evening.

I get that the premise is bat-shit insane and that is what made it a sensation...but this is not a good bad film. It's a horrible, shitty, boring bad film. Galaxy of Terror is a bad film, but it's awesome. Ninja III: The Domination is a bad film...but it's great. Hard to Kill is garbage, but it's so entertaining. Sharknado is like a person discovering their first piece of cinematic trash and being like, "Hey! I kinda enjoyed that even though I wasn't supposed to".

Except the name and concept were so brilliantly stupid that it became a thing. Sharknado sucks big time. When it's boring you'll want to fall asleep. When it starts lifting lines directly from Jaws you'll roll your eyes and need to fight the urge to turn it off. I would rather watch Mario Van Peebles slip in and out of his fake Jamaican accent 100x in "Jaws the Motherfucking Revenge" than watch Sharknado ever again.

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15 Jul 2015 10:47 #206308 by Columbob
Hey, the third's on its way!

Last year at my brother's he'd DVRed both first movies, I couldn't really believe it. He watched the first one with the ladies while I was sleeping the evening away while trying to put my youngest to bed, so I thankfully missed its atrociousness. Next night however they felt like repeating the train wreck so we watched the second one. There was lots of action, but this is the most memorable bit for me (besides the Statue of Liberty's head rolling around the streets of NY and seemingly chasing their vehicle - twin to that scene in Cloverfield) was this: beginning of the movie, the main lady from movie 1 is on a plane being attacked by - a SHARKnado - she's wearing her new engagement ring is shooting a massive shark, gets her gun hand bit off. Near the end of the movie, hero guy meets the SAME papa shark, dives into its maw (I think, details are fuzzy) with a chainsaw or axe, finds the aforementioned hand and hacks his way out of the belly of the beast with his weapon or pistol to present said engagement ring to her again. Hilarious.

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19 Jul 2015 21:22 #206543 by Hex Sinister
Ant Man was tons of fun. At least as good as Guardians of the Galaxy. There were more previews for Fantastic Four. Guess they'll never get that one right. Looks like a piece of shit.
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19 Jul 2015 23:04 - 20 Jul 2015 09:08 #206545 by SebastianBludd
I watched It Follows and it was nicely creepy in a low key way. The movie kind of fizzles out in the third act but I really liked the creepy atmosphere and soundtrack. It was also nice seeing teenagers that weren't acting like typical stereotypical movie teenagers.

I also saw The Guest. It wasn't as good as I'd been led to believe (which puts it in the same company as the director's previous effort, You're Next) but Dan Stevens was great and it was worth watching for his performance alone.

This weekend, after having worked our way through the Alien and Predator movies, I decided to watch the first two Terminator movies with my son. The highlight of the experience for me was when I realized that he was completely ignorant of what the T-1000 was and that the T-800 had been programmed to be John's protector. He kept asking me who the T-1000 was (assuming it was a human) and I kept stringing him along for maximum impact. He was thrown for such a loop by the first Terminator encounter at the arcade that he was still confused and asking me which one was the good one. I had to explain to him that the T-800 had to be the good one since he not only shielded John from the bullets, but he had the opportunity to kill him about 6 times but didn't. This was such a high profile sequel when this movie came out that the T-800 = good twist was spoiled in the first article, yet the script had to play it straight and assume the audience wasn't aware of it. It was nice to see it play out as intended.

I'm not looking forward to watching T3 and Salvation (I've still not seen Salvation), but I'll sit through them just to get to Genisys which I've heard is on par with T3 and not as bad as Salvation.
Last edit: 20 Jul 2015 09:08 by SebastianBludd.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, Gregarius

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20 Jul 2015 03:59 - 20 Jul 2015 03:59 #206549 by Grudunza
I thought the same thing about It Follows... really well done and nicely creepy but doesn't hold it throughout.

True Story is Jonah Hill and James Franco doing the Christian Longo murder case. Never quite got past "meh" for me.
Last edit: 20 Jul 2015 03:59 by Grudunza.

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