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16 Mar 2020 23:32 #308169 by Michael Barnes
Replied by Michael Barnes on topic Coronavirus
Re: fitness options other than the gym- if you can find it and have a Switch, Ring Fit is excellent. It is a real deal resistance/Pilates/isometric workout with good cardio and aerobic routines. The adventure is fun and motivating, and the exercise is great as long as you have the difficulty set properly. I do it very day for about 25 minutes (100-125 kcal on average) and I also do the Fitness Boxing for another 25 minutes. It’s pretty great too, will definitely make you sweat. I get up to 300 kcal on it. It also doesn’t require any special equipment like Ring Fit does and you can download it from the shop.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Shellhead

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17 Mar 2020 09:16 #308177 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Coronavirus
As far as books go, if you're an Amazon user, they have almost everything they sell available on their Kindle app. You don't need an actual Kindle reader. You just need the app. I read a significant chunk of things on my phone these days.

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17 Mar 2020 10:27 #308180 by Rliyen
Replied by Rliyen on topic Coronavirus
All schools in the state of LA are now closed until April 13th. Makeup for lost time will not be required. 136 cases in the state and 3 dead. The Boy had a JROTC Ball on Friday, which we kiboshed immediately. He was grumpy, but understood.

Working this past weekend for a trial that got cancelled on Sunday at 5:00 p.m., my coworker and I found out that one of the positive cases worked in our building, nine floors down. He was also in our offices for mediation....


I'm currently in the office now, until they shut us down, as I cannot do my job remotely. The situation all around sucks.

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17 Mar 2020 10:55 #308182 by lj1983
Replied by lj1983 on topic Coronavirus
First case in WY was last week, we're up to 10 now. mostly in a retirement center in the middle of the state. Deaths are coming.

Schools around us have closed until at least april, but the local county has not yet. They're in the middle of spring break, so it doesn't have immediate impact, but frustrating nevertheless. Local state government, rec center and more have closed down.

work is awesome. we have buses to the mine-site, which I usually ride. I've decided to drive for the time being. the mine supplied masks for people on the buses, those have disappeared in a day. Management is joking, calling it a socialist over reaction, a flu. all the common tropes. we've got corporate folk flying in (through freaking Denver) tomorrow from Missouri. Remote work (which 99% of my job would work fine with) was denied.

at least I have an office and can shut the door I guess.

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17 Mar 2020 11:07 #308183 by Sagrilarus
Replied by Sagrilarus on topic Coronavirus
Given the President's clear change in tone yesterday and Fox News following suit, I think you may see a change in your company's policy. Conservatives have permission to view things differently now.

I'm not saying this to get into a flame war over politics because I think that's not a useful conversation in a situation as unique as this. But up until last night there were two very different news feeds covering the story, and that may have just changed. Don't know, as the current administration is mercurial as hell.

Regardless, either the President realized the train was leaving the station without him or he saw some piece of news we haven't that paints a dire picture. Here's hoping for the former. There's half a dozen Governors that are kicking ass at managing this crisis.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Shellhead, allismom3, lj1983

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17 Mar 2020 11:30 #308185 by Msample
Replied by Msample on topic Coronavirus
I think by the end of the week most if not all states will be in lock step with regards to shutting down dine in restaurant service, schools, theaters, etc . Most of New England is already there .

The fallout in the hospitality/travel sector will be unprecedented . Airlines will likely get relief and /or Chapter 11, but cruise lines are fucked - and since they are the definition of non essential they'll be far down the priority list . Add in their practice of flagging ships in third world countries and past PR disasters around numerous novovirus breakouts on now this, and that business will be drastically different going forward. Even if the government intervenes,, the restaurant sector will contract after this as well - they exist on thin margins and a month or two of shutdowns will make them go dark forever.

Everyone will be looking for government bailouts but there will be fallout in the form of permanently shuttered businesses unfortunately. As it relates to this site, I saw a note from a game store in the Bay Area that is shutting down for the foreseeable future . They will certainly not be the last; esp those with large event spaces who'd be wise to voluntarily shutter that part of the business if not the whole thing.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Shellhead, lj1983

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17 Mar 2020 11:56 #308188 by ChristopherMD
Replied by ChristopherMD on topic Coronavirus
I love stuff like this. Fitness Instructor in Spain hosting a workout from his rooftop for his neighbors.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Rliyen, Gary Sax, Msample, n815e

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17 Mar 2020 12:02 - 17 Mar 2020 12:03 #308189 by Gary Sax
Replied by Gary Sax on topic Coronavirus
I'll refrain in general too because I don't feel like fighting about politics here either, this shit is just too depressing. You can follow me elsewhere for that. Sufficed to say coronavirus is extremely bad, but being so deeply confirmed that U.S. institutions are broken beyond repair and the country is long-term doomed is just as bad.
Last edit: 17 Mar 2020 12:03 by Gary Sax.

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17 Mar 2020 12:24 #308190 by Shellhead
Replied by Shellhead on topic Coronavirus
The lady who cuts my hair went on maternity leave 6 weeks ago, and her replacement didn't take enough off. So I was really looking forward to my haircut this Saturday. But that place shut down today, and won't be re-opening until April 1st at the soonest. And I think that it's wildly optimistic to think that things will be better instead of worse on April 1st. I think that we're in for at least two months of widespread shutdowns. So I am scrambling to find a barber to see right after work today.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax

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17 Mar 2020 12:48 #308191 by Shellhead
Replied by Shellhead on topic Coronavirus
Governor of Minnesota just shut down all bars, restaurants, gyms, coffee shops, breweries and "other venues" effective 5 PM today until at least March 27th. Restaurants can still deliver food.

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17 Mar 2020 12:50 - 17 Mar 2020 12:52 #308192 by ubarose
Replied by ubarose on topic Coronavirus

Gary Sax wrote: ...confirmed that U.S. institutions are broken beyond repair and the country is long-term doomed is just as bad.

My dad is a retired Public Health Service officer. He is so deeply saddened that the systematic dismantling of the PHS over the past several decades has resulted in it now being rather ineffective. He sometimes says that his job was to "provide for the common defense" because our greatest enemy was disease, not foreign military powers. He contends that if this was 30 or 40 years ago, the PHS would be providing leadership and a coordinated response with military efficiency.
Last edit: 17 Mar 2020 12:52 by ubarose.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, allismom3

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17 Mar 2020 13:13 #308193 by Jackwraith
Replied by Jackwraith on topic Coronavirus
"If it's not making a profit right this minute, then it's not worth it!"

This is why the CDC's pandemic response team- you know, the people whose mission was to deal with situations just like this -was cut out of the CDC's budget by Trump's administration two years ago.
The following user(s) said Thank You: allismom3, n815e

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17 Mar 2020 13:32 #308195 by boothwah
Replied by boothwah on topic Coronavirus

Jackwraith wrote: "If it's not making a profit right this minute, then it's not worth it!"

Likewise, sometime in the 90's we started referring to excess capacity ( a good thing ) as waste ( a bad thing ) - which is a totally understandable outcome if hospitals are to be run as profit centers, not a public good.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Shellhead, allismom3, Jackwraith, n815e

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17 Mar 2020 14:16 #308200 by Joebot
Replied by Joebot on topic Coronavirus

Gary Sax wrote: I'll refrain in general too because I don't feel like fighting about politics here either, this shit is just too depressing. You can follow me elsewhere for that. Sufficed to say coronavirus is extremely bad, but being so deeply confirmed that U.S. institutions are broken beyond repair and the country is long-term doomed is just as bad.

I wouldn't say "beyond repair" ... but we certainly need a change in leadership to make those repairs. This crisis has laid bare the conservative philosophy of a "government small enough to drown in bathtub." The philosophy of small government might sound appealing ... until you NEED the freaking government! Some things (like, say a global pandemic) are simply too large for any other entity to manage. All of the fault lines in American society are going to be stressed to the breaking point by this crisis, and I have zero faith in this particular administration to deal with it effectively. Electing a corrupt steak salesman to be our president was a bad idea.

Here in Chicago, I'm trying to decide if I'm going to vote in the primary today. My sense of civic duty is warring with my social responsibility to stay home. Our governor has been doing an incredible job ... but he REALLY should have postponed the primary. You're essentially telling old people that they can't vote, and that is not a "free and fair election" anymore.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ubarose, Shellhead, allismom3, Jackwraith, lj1983

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17 Mar 2020 14:25 - 17 Mar 2020 14:26 #308201 by Gary Sax
Replied by Gary Sax on topic Coronavirus
The wild thing, Joebot, early exit polling suggests that it's only the old people who are showing up to vote in IL today. So the split is older than even a normal US primary election is.
Last edit: 17 Mar 2020 14:26 by Gary Sax.

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