In Talisman, a classic beacon of ameritrash, you will find...
Before sitting down for your first quest in Talisman, before even reading this review, there is one important question I bade you ask yourself: Are you man, or are you hero? Are you a sniveling maggot, a despicable excuse for an adventurer, fit for nothing more than eternal shame and crushing defeat? Or are you a titan, born to be revered and feared, able to pass through dragon-infested lands, face demons from the farthest reaches of hell, crawl to the very ends of the earth, to the top of the highest spire, to the Crown of Command, and smite those who have stood in your way to victory? This question is important, for if your fate lies within the the lands of Talisman, you must realize that the only true path to glory is that of a force at which all tremble.