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Marvel Champions

05 Sep 2020 12:28 #313793 by Ah_Pook
Alright well, not much to add yet but the base game is very fun after a few plays. I possibly spent way too much money on expansions for this thing. Black Panther is my early favorite from the core set. A triple maxed out Wakanda Forever is a thing of beauty.
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05 Sep 2020 14:20 - 05 Sep 2020 14:25 #313797 by boothwah

Deck building repository site. Great tool to log your decks, and tons of other peoples builds to kickstart your deckbuilding. There's some pretty good authors, that do some amazing write ups. I couldn't dig She-Hulk until I netdecked some dudes leadership build and now I love her.

Also, I really enjoy the Team Covenant content. Their early streams and play sessions from last year are great. They talk a lot about deck building, and their play is really clean.

Here's my current fun : two decks designed for two handed solo. Aggro Hulk paired with Justice Captain Marvel. I've cleared everything on expert with these two...waiting for Rise of Red Skull on Tuesday.
Last edit: 05 Sep 2020 14:25 by boothwah.
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05 Sep 2020 18:15 #313802 by mads b.
I played a bunch of solo games when I just got it, and there's a lot to like. I'm not super into deck building, though, so maybe I'm missing out on something. But the characters feel very different and the same goes for the scenarios. However, I can't shake the feeling that alle the games with the same hero will feel somewhat similar. I have played several games with Black Widow that more or less ended with me having the same tableau. Sure, some things were different, but I ended up using the same preparation cards in mostly the same way. And from my games with Cap, that was also the case. It's not a huge problem, but it just means that I'm not super inclined to repeat play of a given scenario with a given hero. Have you had the same experience?

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05 Sep 2020 18:32 #313803 by boothwah
I play a lot, but I don't think I'm normal. Its really my quarantine jag. And I love deck building, having played ccgs for 25 years.

I don't really get tired of trying out new hero builds or combos...the real spice in the game is having different villains/scenarios. And thats where the game has been a little light up til now....but this month we get Rise of the Red Skull with 5 new villains, and then next month, s Kang set that I am stoked about.

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05 Sep 2020 19:44 - 05 Sep 2020 19:53 #313805 by Ah_Pook
@b each hero's kit is always going to be the same, that's where presumably the deck building comes in. Trying out different stuff to complement what their 15 cards are trying to do in different ways. Different aspects, different builds within each aspect etc.

Edit: with the assumption that you've spent stupid LCG money getting enough cards to enable interesting deck building, naturally ;)
Last edit: 05 Sep 2020 19:53 by Ah_Pook.

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06 Sep 2020 02:10 #313811 by boothwah

Ah_Pook wrote: @b each hero's kit is always going to be the same, that's where presumably the deck building comes in. Trying out different stuff to complement what their 15 cards are trying to do in different ways. Different aspects, different builds within each aspect etc.

Edit: with the assumption that you've spent stupid LCG money getting enough cards to enable interesting deck building, naturally ;)

And that's what makes the hero the hero. Their kit.

But the magic is starting to happen, where the game's hit that really sweet spot, where there enough meaningful options in deckbuilding that your Justice Captain Marvel might work a lot differently than mine with only a 6 or 7 card difference. I have a She Hulk deck that I run that I I rarely use 6 - 8 cards of her kit, because I really am playing her for 5 cards that synergize really well with this engine in the leadership aspect.

But that's for grognards (self identifying) that are really into playing the heck out of this game in "hard mode" The puzzles only get longer (or tighter depending on if you are trying to brute force it), with more break points. There's perfectly tasty little puzzles for standard play.

But there's this whole other magic in the types of stories we get to tell with these toys, and it's pretty nice. I was reading a mid summer 1979 issue of Black Panther. It had Cap as a co star. They were fighting Klaw. Vision and the Avengers showed up. After the 4 year old went to bed, I went and set up BP and Cap vs Klaw and went to town. It was a fun little puzzle, and it was cool to do the last 4 damage with Vision. 12 year old me was doing a victory lap.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ubarose, jeb, Gary Sax

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06 Sep 2020 02:32 #313812 by jeb
I am all in on this game. I bought up Josh Look’s stuff and signed up at my FLGS as a way to help do my part during the quarantine. Tons of overlap with other games in my collection, but I don’t care. It’s marvel and marvel is my baby since Uncanny X-men #176.

I don’t play with any regularity, I have maybe five games under my belt all told, but they are fun and I have so much stuff now it’s a little overwhelming. I am starting to sink in a little and get a feel for some of the Heroes.

My son and I took She-Hulk and Iron Man in against Green Goblin’s Mutagen Formula and just got rolllllled. We swapped out Iron Man for Black Panther and got rolled again, but it was closer. I could see a win in there, we just missed it. We’re trying again with Cap and Dr. Strange and we are absolutely blasting this guy.

Couple of questions. If I encounter the nemesis side scheme, I put the nemesis into play on their hero and put the guts in the discard pile, right? It doesn’t ONLY come into play via that one Standard card, right?

Can you “float” resources, e.g., pay for two 1-cost Cards with Genius?

Does damage “carry over” from Goblin I to Goblin II? If I hit him for 6 when he’s at 4, does his new form take the last 2?
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06 Sep 2020 06:37 - 06 Sep 2020 08:27 #313814 by Ah_Pook

jeb wrote: I
Couple of questions. If I encounter the nemesis side scheme, I put the nemesis into play on their hero and put the guts in the discard pile, right? It doesn’t ONLY come into play via that one Standard card, right?

Can you “float” resources, e.g., pay for two 1-cost Cards with Genius?

Does damage “carry over” from Goblin I to Goblin II? If I hit him for 6 when he’s at 4, does his new form take the last 2?

The Nemesis side scheme and other cards are set aside during setup and only enter play through Shadows of the Past.

I don't believe you can float resources like that. Paying for a card is a discreet Resource trigger, where you can activate cards with the Resource keyword on them or discard cards to generate the required resources.

I would play that that damage carries over but I'm not sure if that's correct tbh now that you asked.

EDIT: excess damage doesn't carry over from stage to stage on villains
Last edit: 06 Sep 2020 08:27 by Ah_Pook.
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10 Sep 2020 07:59 - 10 Sep 2020 08:53 #313949 by Ah_Pook
Psa, there's a bonkers Tabletop Simulator mod of this. It's got all the official content and a staggering amount of custom content.
Last edit: 10 Sep 2020 08:53 by Ah_Pook.
The following user(s) said Thank You: jeb, Dr. Mabuse

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10 Sep 2020 10:29 #313954 by jeb
Looking at them now, I realize my last two could have been answered by the Grim Rule.

We took on Crossfire in a little intro to Red Skull, using the prebuilt Hawkeye and Spider-Woman Decks. It looked to be a romp, we were through the first phase in just a few turns. Then things went really sideways, literally, as we encountered Side Schemes galore and could not get through as he built up weapons and started doing serious damage. We ended up losing, and he was still at 12 life or so.

I think we played the Schemes wrong, in our defense, we’d ruled a Side Scheme that adds an Encounter adds it the same turn it enters play, but I read up and it does not. I’m also not sure how Crossfire holds and uses 3+ guns.
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10 Sep 2020 18:08 #313973 by boothwah

jeb wrote: Looking at them now, I realize my last two could have been answered by the Grim Rule.

We took on Crossfire in a little intro to Red Skull, using the prebuilt Hawkeye and Spider-Woman Decks. It looked to be a romp, we were through the first phase in just a few turns. Then things went really sideways, literally, as we encountered Side Schemes galore and could not get through as he built up weapons and started doing serious damage. We ended up losing, and he was still at 12 life or so.

I think we played the Schemes wrong, in our defense, we’d ruled a Side Scheme that adds an Encounter adds it the same turn it enters play, but I read up and it does not. I’m also not sure how Crossfire holds and uses 3+ guns.

We goofed that rule too, and the those hazard side schemes creamed us - We also immediately revealed encounter cards when we were reshuffling hero decks (also not right) rather than dealing them to be revealed during the next encounter phase of the villain turn.

We missed the acceleration token for reshuffling the villain deck for a few games.

Other rule we overlooked first or second play through - Allies take consequential damage when you use their basic powers of attack, thwart - based on the number of pips in the ability.
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11 Sep 2020 12:43 #313999 by Dr. Mabuse

jeb wrote: Then things went really sideways, literally, as we encountered Side Schemes galore and could not get through as he built up weapons and started doing serious damage. We ended up losing, and he was still at 12 life or so.

Yeah, I find getting rid of Villain attachments as soon as possible (the exception being the Wrecking Crew) is key. It burns cards but it can potentially keep you in the game longer. If playing with Justice, having Followed on a side scheme is really good value as a 1 cost card that can do 4 damage to an enemy.
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11 Sep 2020 18:28 - 11 Sep 2020 18:38 #314008 by Ah_Pook
Alright well, I'm all sleeved and sorted. Gonna build me up some decks and punch some bad guys tomorrow.
Last edit: 11 Sep 2020 18:38 by Ah_Pook.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dr. Mabuse, boothwah

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11 Sep 2020 22:38 #314015 by boothwah
Another nifty resource :

I get Rise of the Red Skull Monday. I may be arsed to do a proper review.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Ah_Pook

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11 Sep 2020 23:36 - 11 Sep 2020 23:42 #314018 by Ah_Pook
Took a stab at it tonight. Justice Captain America and Leadership Captain Marvel vs Ultron. It looked hairy a few times, but we got there. I thought we were toast when both of our Nemeses showed up near each other thanks to a villain deck reshuffle. Ultron never got off his first scheme card though, which helped. Capt A's self readying ability is VERY GOOD. I can't tell if I had a bad Leadership deck or if my first deck cycle came out poorly. Need to tweak the deck for sure, but when I had a table full of amped up allies it felt pretty good. Hawkeye and Squirrel Girl seem tailor made for the Ultron villain. Then you Rapid Response them and things are good.

Edit: also the card Beat Cop put in good work. I'm amused by the mental image of the cop in the card art arresting a bunch of killer Ultron drones.
Last edit: 11 Sep 2020 23:42 by Ah_Pook.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dr. Mabuse, boothwah

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