This week Al and Josh played Fireball Island: Curse of Vul-Kar, Goldland, and talked about which games they like to play with their families.
Special thanks to The Minibosses!
This week Al and Josh played Fireball Island: Curse of Vul-Kar, Goldland, and talked about which games they like to play with their families.
Special thanks to The Minibosses!
One night during the summer of 1997, Josh Look's cool uncle who owned a comic shop taught him how to play Magic the Gathering. The game set off his imagination in a way that he could not sleep that night, and he's been fascinated by games ever since. He spent many afternoons during his high school years skipping homework to play Dungeons & Dragons and paint Warhammer minatures, going on to discover hobby board games in his early 20s. He's been a writer for ThereWillBe.Games and is the creator and co-host of the geek culture podcast, The Wolfman's Lounge. He enjoys games that encourage a heavy amount of table talk and those that explore their themes beyond just their settings.
mc wrote: Great episode fellas!
A couple of relevant titles came to mind from this episode in terms of Indiana Jones.
So, Tikal, which is a Kramer game as well. Yes it's definitely at the Euro end, and probably just beyond family fare depending on your family - I mean it's a German Family game, simple clear rules, but there's a fair bit of strategy - but the idea of competing archaeologists exploring the jungle and muscling in on/stealing each other's discoveries comes through pretty strongly.
Kramer and Kiesling also came back and designed Tikal II which I've not played but is much more at the trash end - looting a temple with nasties and stuff I seem to remember. Maybe worth a look.
Then there's The Adventurers , two of those titles. Get in, avoid the bad stuff, grab the loot and get out. They use a Gold land type mechanic where however much stuff you are carrying dictates how many turns you get in a round. Or at least the Pyramid one does, I've not played the first one which has a heap of Indiana Jones tropes including a rolling ball timer (the pyramid one has blocks falling from the ceiling to potentially block your exit). Pretty good family fare.
And... is there a resurgence of family games?
Or are the people who kind of enjoyed the initial wave of the german stuff drifting back to them after having their fill of complicated mechanism heavy stuff?
Josh Look wrote:
Sagrilarus wrote: I'll mention that this did not drop onto my podcast app. The most recent episode I'm seeing is #3.
Which one are you using?
repoman wrote: Think I was in that game. It was Tikal, you did win, everybody was pissed except me. I like the idea of Tikal but those late game turns were tortuous.
Sagrilarus wrote: I'm listening to the podcast right now and I have just one question -- what the hell is your problem? You haven't explained the rules of Fireball Island to me, and I have no understanding of the component quality. You haven't even mentioned how long it took you to set it up. How can I make an informed purchase decision when you drone on and on about "excitement" and "fun" and "seat of your pants" play?
Josh Look wrote:
Sagrilarus wrote: I'm listening to the podcast right now and I have just one question -- what the hell is your problem? You haven't explained the rules of Fireball Island to me, and I have no understanding of the component quality. You haven't even mentioned how long it took you to set it up. How can I make an informed purchase decision when you drone on and on about "excitement" and "fun" and "seat of your pants" play?
What can I say, we’re on a mission from god.
I just got the show entered into BGG’s podcast database but haven’t gone through tagging the episodes to the games covered. I CAN. NOT. WAIT. for the first serious “Where’s the review?” comment. Most BGG users and even some “critics” don’t actually review games either, we’re just upfront about it.
Sagrilarus wrote: Jesus.
tl:dr ~ Josh has quality balls and they feel good in Al's mouth.Yep, didn't take us long to drag that into the Al wrote:
I think that the tactile experience of a game is a factor that is not talked about enough. For Fireball island, the marbles had a great look and added a nice heft to my mouth. Of course Josh has the ultra cool Kickstarter upgrade fireballs and embers, so I can't really speak to the feel or taste of the non-upgraded game.