Reviews written by Ryan B.
I don't know... Does saying "I hate it on so many levels." constitute a review?
I swear I can poll my friends and 9 out of 10 would look at this and not even be remotely interested. I'm not either. The theme is unpalatable, the title of the game is ambiguous to conveying any sense of fun... and I really don't see it as being a whole lot of fun anyway. The box graphics are downright ugly. This is a geekish cult hit to be sure... so please don't use this game to try an indoctrinate the average Joe into the hobby.
I'll give it an extra point for having positive design reviews from its legions of hobbyist fans, however.
I would rate Risk 3.5 stars. This is so much more a diplomacy game than it is ever given credit for. It will be interesting to see how the latest version plays out.
I would also check out this link to see how you might be able to read more into the game: