Reviews written by joseaguerof
This is a classic game that's best left to memory, unfortunately as kids we had way too much time and could spend days just rolling dice, those days are over and took with them the good times I had to this game.
This game is brillant for what it is and what represents, however that's nostalgia speaking but if you feel inclined to try then grab one of the newer versions with a built in timer mechanic and you can relieve the glory days without much worries.
This game had me excited, I thought about pitting the different ancient civilizations in an epic match, to only find a mediocre game that tries to put some uninspired mechanics before the awesome theme.
Now imagine if the civilizations acted differently, had different strenghts not only fighting but also building and stuff, but yeah then shit happened and this game is a mess of mechanics that seem had no playtesting done as there are whole sections of the game that are worthless, like the armies.
It's a mediocre game at best, so please don't pick it up or you'll treat yourself to a dissapointment.
I really, really wanted to like this game, I was excited to be able to play a kind of Jeanne D'arc on my tabletop, but only to find it crippled by the card mechanics, what a dissapointment.
The board is divided into 3 sections and you're given random cards that let you do something, it's not a game of strategy as you can't really carry out any plans rather than let yourself go by the draw and luck found in this game.
I real dissapointment for a miniatures gamer.
I was weary about playing this game, I've read so much about it's clunky mechanics and how this game wasn't worth it. Guess what? It's not true.
I've just played this game, managed to get a game in 2,5 hours, had a blast playing and didn't encountered any problems with the rules. I think that because it's italian it gest bad rap, just don't buy into it. This is an adventure game that gives you strategic options and a fun combat system.
It might be already late as this is OOP, but if you see it just buy it. Excelsior!
This is a simple fantasy adventure game, you've got your hero, your mission and side quests to complete while leveling up and trying to find the talisman before someone else.
It's a surprisingly fun light hearted game, you'll get swept away by any of it's editions and is a blast, no wonder it's a classic.
This is a great game for the odd numbered groups that pits different city-states from ancient Greece in a battle for dominion.
The thing with this game is that is has different phases that are hardly related to each other, but in order to win you have to realize the biggest city-state is the most vulnerable as well. It's also worth mentioning that in order for the different phases to work together you've got to think outside the box and find how to indirectly influence the next phase on your favor.
For the most part Martin Wallace's games are filled with mechanics and different parts that feel disjointed, but this is one of his games that manages to work better even when it doesn't make a lot of sense.
I think Prophecy it's a great, short fantasy adventure game. If you've played others in this genre you probably don't need another, but still you will want to get this because it's good, plays in about 2 hours and has a great upgrading and specializing system.
Plus the board is easily travelled trough and the movement is very easy so you'll be in no time where you want to , not wasting turns and turns wishing to get a roll like in some other games.
I am a bit concerned for it's replayability, however the new expansions should deal with that.
Son, if you're hesitant, don't. Just run and grab a copy of the Deluxe version, it's such a great game.
It's an easy and fun to play tactical game, dripping with theme, everyone with a special ability which makes sense and it's just a great game to try to outsmart your opponent.
One of the best 2 player games you can get and it'll only last 30min tops, so you can easily play a few games to scratch that itch.
This is a great game, that takes the solitary sci-fi premise of the video-game and turns it around, making it a cooperative dungeoncrawler agaisnt the evil Invader.
The game is quite simple to play, especially for the marines players, just move and shoot, but you can pick up items, guns and ammo as well as use different cards that can help you out.
Meanwhile the invader player is getting all of the fun, managing the ship and all it's critters against those pesky marines.
Be prepared to sweat it out, as this is a highly tactical game if you wish to make it out in one piece. Or if you're having some trouble with the difficulty download the handy mod the FFG chaps put on their site.
Anyways, it's a fun easy game that should be a follow-up to introducing people into the right side of the hobby.
This is a great game, period.
It also happens to be a fun, easy to learn and quite engaging game which is a blast to play and can serve as a great introduction to AT.
Just get it and play it, I've heard great things of the 2 vs 2.
Anyways, the secret missions add to the replayability and this just oozes theme, it's a game that's asking for a good fight, so go ahead and make it's day punk!