In another thread our fellow F:ATtie Thaadd mentioned that she's doing a blog in which she is to upload at least 1 photo everyday for 100 days. I made a comment to Mikoyan about not having my own blog and Thadd busted me by reminding me that The Fort has it's very own blog sections (duh! I forgot I had two entries already.) She then challenged me to take 100 game photos. I thought...."what the hell".
To be realistic, I doubt I'm gonna do 1 a day but I'll try to do it at least once per week with a short write-up of some sort. I'm not promising anything spectacular but maybe, just maybe I can give you all a little glimpse into my world of gaming.

Alright I don't give a fuck what anyone says but I have a binder of rules I downloaded and printed out for various games I have a high interest in purchasing. And yes I will read one (or two) of these before going to bed or if I have time while eating breakfast.
I use to have a wicker basket that I would put these print outs in until the bin began to overflow. So I thought by putting them in a binder it not only reduces the mess (to my wife's relief) but it also forces me to be selective in what I keep. For example after I bought BSG and Combat Commander, I recycled their printed-out counterparts.
That being said I still have the rules for games I already own like Dune and Titan. Titan, mainly because I play a lot online and I like to have an accessible reference close at hand and Dune 'cuz it also has Starbase Jeff's FAQS, that I like to read now and again.
There are also rules for games that I'm still deciding on, ( Clash Of Monarchs and Successors, I'm lookin' at you)!
Current rules for:
Hannibal: Rome vs Carthage ( the first 10 +page game manual I ever read.) Plus a strategy card list (OWN)
Commands & Colors: just cause (OWN)
Antiquity: The theme, unforgiving, unique gameplay and graphic design fascinate me. (LIKE TO OWN)
Space Junk: An okay space collection PnP Euro.
Clash of Monarchs: Can't seem to get into it (THINKING ABOUT IT)
Successors: I love the various victory conditions for this Ancient CDG. (LIKE TO OWN)
Red Star Rising:First foray into a more complex non-CDG WW2 wargame. (THINKING ABOUT IT)
Titan: Already mentioned why.
Bonaparte at Marengo: The first game that made me aware of the brilliant game designer Bowen Simmons. The closest thing to ever owning the game. (LOVE TO OWN)
Twilight Struggle:Reference to if I play online again (hint hint Space Ghost) (OWN)
Origins: Another fucking crazy ass design that I'd love to try but I know it would never hit the table with my current group. ( LOVE TO OWN)
And last but maybe least:
Pandemic:Would love to play this with the family but I don't think it's gonna fly.(THINKING ABOUT IT)
Missing in Action> Here I Stand: Currently in my gym bag as I'm playing an online game with some F:ATties.
There you go. What's on your shelf or in your satchel? I know I'm not the only one.