Something very interesting is afoot at Fantasy Flight Games.Apparently, Christian Petersen and company have entered into some kind of partnership with the Jinteki Corporation in order to produce a game or game product to be released in December 2008 that will leverage Jinteki’s unspecified products and services to deliver something supposedly revolutionary. The terms of the partnership are strangely unclear and Jinteki’s role is almost completely obscured. And there have been strange emails intercepted that seem to position CEO Petersen in a subservient footing to what may turn out to be FFG’s new governing body.
Maybe this all tin foil hat talk, but I smell something pretty diabolical. Online, gamers and observers have been tracking Jinteki’s strange and obscure moves and very little is known at this point beyond vague statements, leaked emails, and decrypted clues. Jinteki’s website,, shows only a corporate logo although apparently there was once a larger site located there. There have been some unusual personnel issues at FFG and there has been at least one death that seems associated with the backroom dealings that are going there. There are suggestions that Jinteki may be involved in fields as diverse as artificial intelligence, evolutionary acceleration, ESP training, cloning, or some sort of advanced manufacturing capability.
I was offered an opportunity to interview Jinteki’s PR representative, Cynthia Michaelson, regarding the FFG partnership and what follows is a transcript of this interview. I don’t think it sheds any light on what’s going on, but it does illustrate the elusiveness and deception that Jinteki is engaged in, and as such I call on all gamers to be vigilant and to carefully watch what happens next. Read between the lines, here. She isn’t telling us half the story because there’s a half that we’re not supposed to know.
I requested a photograph of Mrs. Michaelson as well as an opportunity to ask some follow-up questions but I was soundly rebuffed by Jeremy Stomberg, FFG's marketing and public relations point man. He seems to be afraid of upsetting anybody at Jinteki.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>So little is known about Jinteki Corporation at this point. In this age of corporate accountability, how do you explain the relative lack of information about the company- online and elsewhere? I think it’s very suspicious that what little information is out there tends to be buried beneath layers of encryption and even currently shows nothing but the company’s logo and there have been reported security breaches and hacker intrusions. You have made it clear that you are under an NDA, which is sort of contrary to the point of a PR person. What is Jinteki Corporation hiding and why are people looking for it?The Jinteki Corporation was incorporated five years ago, but our techniques have been being worked on for many years. Don't worry about not knowing too much about Jinteki, the whole world will know of us soon enough.Can you give us an idea of Jinteki’s corporate leadership and employment demographics? We have practically no information on who Jinteki is outside of the names of a few webmasters, public relations agents, and cryptic names associated with the company.Jinteki is a privately-held company and is very conscious of security. As such, we do not release names of our staff for safety purposes.We do know that Jinteki currently operates out of New Angeles, Osaka, and the Noctis Labyrinth. Are there plans for future expansion, including the Minnesota area?Jinteki will expand as we need to. Our partnership with FFG allows us to have representatives in Minnesota overseeing operations without having to allocate physical plant resources there.There have been some vague statements made about Jinteki’s corporate agenda to “end the current age of scarcity and bring about a new age of plenty, in which human kind’s labors become labors of the mind and spirit”. That’s pretty heady stuff. Why does Jinteki believe that we are in an “age of scarcity” and how is Jinteki positioned to change the way we work and presumably, play games?Look around you, Mister Barnes. Things are tough all over, yet Jinteki keeps growing! In an age of economic crises and labor shortages, we hope that corporations and governments the world over will look to Jinteki as a shining example of how to run an organization efficiently. We're simply here to help, I hope you see that.The public seems to have no idea what “services” Jinteki is providing to Fantasy Flight Games in regard to the supposed December 2008 release of this joint-produced game. There seems to be some further confusion in suggestive comments indicating that Jinteki is supplying manufactured goods or components as well. Can you elaborate on the products and services Jinteki offers and how they will be implemented by the “game”?If Jinteki's reputation does not yet proceed us, you will know of our services soon enough.Can you assure the gaming public that Fantasy Flight will remain a distinct entity outside of Jinteki Corporation’s assumed corporate aegis? Several leaked emails from Christian Petersen, CEO of Fantasy Flight Games, have suggested that there have been some personnel issues and there seems to be a definite chain of command within the partnership, with Mr. Petersen stating (in a possible quote from Gary Numan’s “Down in the Park”) “we are here to serve you”. Would you characterize this relationship as a partnership, a merger, or an aggressive acquisition?Again, I will make no comment on our staffing issues or corporate hierarchy. We choose to run our business in the most efficient way possible. You will see soon enough how this will work. If anything, we at Jinteki are here to serve YOU.How does Jinteki respond to the various leaked emails and forum messages that have suggested foul play in the death of public relations agent Garrett Carlson, J.R. Godwin of Minnesota (assumed to be a former Fantasy Flight employee) and someone known only as “Louis”, presumably the subject of Jinteki’s surveillance of the Eastside Tenements?Jinteki has no comment on these allegedly "leaked" emails. Look, when you get to be as successful as Jinteki has become, you're going to have some anonymous malcontents that are trying to make you look bad. Who knows what possesses these people? Most likely just too much time on their hands. Instead of contributing to society like Jinteki does, they seek to tear others down.We mourn the loss of Mr. Godwin, but we must move on. As for Mr. Carlson, he is no longer with the company, and I have filled his position. We are unaware of any "Louis". Company records for both Jinteki and FFG indicate that there has not been anyone of that name to ever be employed by either company.In one message that has been widely circulated regarding Jinteki, there is a strange comment regarding “H.B.”, apparently a business or organization that apparently ‘walked away’ from Jinteki. Was H.B. another business that Jinteki attempted partnership with and if so what were the details regarding the collapse of that relationship? Can you name other businesses that have partnered with Jinteki successfully, and how have Jinteki products and services been leveraged in other enterprises?At Jinteki, we do not dwell on the past, but look towards the future! We are happy with our partnership with FFG, and wouldn't dream of working with another company!There is the suggestion that “the game” isn’t going to be a single release, with a “small release” in March of 2009 followed by something larger in 2010. Is this a lasting partnership and will we see future Jinteki/Fantasy Flight releases beyond “the game”?We are certain that our partnership with FFG will last the test of time, and that our products will be available for years to come. As for "small release", Jinteki doesn't do "small" - our partnership with FFG will produce amazing products.Does Jinteki Corporation have any association or affiliation with The Umbrella, Zorg, Tyrell, Weyland-Yutani, or Hasbro corporations?Don't be ridiculous. Only one of those companies is even real. I thought you were a serious journalist. This interview is over.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Well, there you have it folks. Let’s have a round of applause for Cynthia Michaelson of Jinteki Corporation and her commitment to corporate accountability and freedom of the press.
At the end of Mrs. Michaelson’s email was a cryptic code which I recognized to be part of a Youtube address. The video answers at least one question- “HB”, the company that walked out of a deal with Jinteki appears to be Haas Bioroid. Like Jinteki, no SEC filings or public records have turned up any further information. The video, posted by someone named “Alan” that worked for Haas Bioroid, shows what looks to be footage of Zener card testing conducted as part of the “Nisei Project” at Jinteki. The subject, who is female and has a bar code on the back of the neck, seems to be failing the test. “Alan”, or “bltech138” has posted two more of these videos.
Even more interestingly, in the FFG forums as of yesterday this same code appears in an email that a user received from Kevin Wilson, FFG’s in-house design maven responsible for DESCENT and most of their redevelopment projects. Here is what he says:
Jinteki's pledge of humanity is a lie. Let them know you want to keep humans first. Get your friends to send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and force them to see you want the human touch, not just a pale imitation. Jinteki only sees the bottom line. Remind them that their customers are humans, too, and they need us to survive. I'm next to be replaced. These e-mails may save me. If they don't, you’ll have to decide how far you’re willing to go to save the rest of us. Please get as many people as you can to send the message to Jinteki. My life is in your hands.
-Kevin Wilson Fantasy Flight Games
Between FFG strangely deciding to replace one of its star designers, the reluctance of Jinteki to discuss pretty much anything about their business or why there is absolutely zero public record of their existence, and the possibility that people associated with FFG and/or critical of the Jinteki Corporation and its motives may be in very real danger this is shaping up to be a situation which demands that gamers get informed, stay informed, and continue to look for further clues and leads as to what Jinteki is doing and how Fantasy Flight figures into their agenda.
Sometime in the early 1980s, MichaelBarnes’ parents thought it would be a good idea to buy him a board game to keep him busy with some friends during one of those high-pressure, “free” timeshare vacations. It turned out to be a terrible idea, because the game was TSR’s Dungeon! - and the rest, as they say, is history. Michael has been involved with writing professionally about games since 2002, when he busked for store credit writing for Boulder Games’ newsletter. He has written for a number of international hobby gaming periodicals and popular Web sites. From 2004-2008, he was the co-owner of Atlanta Game Factory, a brick-and-mortar retail store. He is currently the co-founder of and as well as the Editor-in-Chief of Miniature Market’s Review Corner feature. He is married with two childen and when he’s not playing some kind of game he enjoys stockpiling trivial information about music, comics and film.