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Sandy Petersen has Changed the Terms of Your Interest-Free Loan to Him

17 Jul 2021 16:31 - 17 Jul 2021 16:32 #324758 by n815e
They won’t get paid for the retail copies until they ship them. They already have our money (and spent it, it seems), no rush to get the stuff to us.
Last edit: 17 Jul 2021 16:32 by n815e.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Msample, Greg Aleknevicus

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17 Jul 2021 19:39 - 17 Jul 2021 22:39 #324761 by Msample

n815e wrote: They won’t get paid for the retail copies until they ship them. They already have our money (and spent it, it seems), no rush to get the stuff to us.

Actually, they don’t get paid for their retail copies til 30-60 days AFTER they ship depending on their terms.
Last edit: 17 Jul 2021 22:39 by Msample.
The following user(s) said Thank You: ubarose, jpat, n815e

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12 Jul 2022 16:51 - 12 Jul 2022 16:52 #334184 by Ah_Pook
Probably should go have it's own thread, but apparently Petersen Games fired everyone except Sandy and Arthur.

Supposedly they're still trying to fulfill their pending Kickstarters, but that would seem to be pretty unlikely atm...
Last edit: 12 Jul 2022 16:52 by Ah_Pook.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, Msample, hotseatgames, sornars, n815e

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12 Jul 2022 16:58 #334185 by Jackwraith
The following user(s) said Thank You: WadeMonnig, Ah_Pook, n815e

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12 Jul 2022 17:31 #334187 by hotseatgames

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12 Jul 2022 19:51 #334191 by Msample
Almost one year to the day after this thread initially popped up. Wonder how much cash they burned through basically just treading water w/o shipping anything from all the KS they have collected funds for.
The following user(s) said Thank You: southernman, Gary Sax, WadeMonnig, n815e

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13 Jul 2022 10:04 #334197 by Rliyen

It's the most bingeable show on Netflix! *gets popcorn and an RC Cola*

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29 Jun 2023 14:13 #339836 by Jackwraith
Speaking of almost one year to the day threadomancy:

Production is complete! It's across the pond! It's sitting in warehouses... Oh, wait. PG doesn't have the money to actually get it out of the warehouses and shipped to you. In fact, at their current cash flow, they can get approximately 6 of the 90 pallets out the door each month. That means that some backers won't be receiving the game for another year-and-a-half, on top of the five years that they've already waited for it.

Their solution to this? Ask for more money, of course! Because PG sycophants have been clamoring in their Discord for ways to continue to throw money down a hole to get their game and one guy essentially made them a bet, saying if they could get his package shipped by the end of the month, he'd give them $1000, they have come up with a way for everyone to not only take on more of the costs, but to gamble that others are just like them. They set up all of the pallets at the fulfillment vendor as items on PG's webstore. They're emailing everyone the number of the pallet that their package is on and suggesting that people can send them money for said pallet and try to build a balance on it so that PG can apply their own funds to whichever pallets are closest to completion ($1640 each) and get those out the door sooner. If you happen to be on a pallet with enough people who are willing to throw good money after bad, you get your game sometime in the next few months. If you're on a pallet with people who don't want to give them another dime (this is after enough people gave them money for an add-on product just to get all of these pallets out of China), then you'll see your game sometime in 2025.

Meanwhile, there's any number of people in the Reddit thread talking about how they're already seeing retail copies because, of course, retail was given priority so that PG could generate enough cash to ship to people who financed the original project in the first place. So, in the end, as with an increasing number of Kickstarters these days, you coulda just waited for retail. There's a lesson there, I think.
The following user(s) said Thank You: allismom3, ChristopherMD, Msample, lj1983, hotseatgames, sornars, BillyBobThwarton, n815e

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29 Jun 2023 15:21 #339838 by hotseatgames
Buying a pallet is certainly a new one. Mythic probably saw that and started formulating a new business plan.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Gary Sax, Msample, Jackwraith, n815e

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30 Jun 2023 07:48 #339849 by Ah_Pook
The following user(s) said Thank You: Rliyen, Jackwraith, Nodens, n815e

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30 Jun 2023 09:08 #339850 by Gary Sax

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30 Jun 2023 14:06 - 30 Jun 2023 14:06 #339854 by ChristopherMD
They are still starting new KS's and outright saying the revenue will pay debt on the older ones they failed to deliver. This company is destined for bankruptcy as it cannot stand on its own and people are still throwing money at it. FOMO your hard-earned money instead, people.
Last edit: 30 Jun 2023 14:06 by ChristopherMD.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Rliyen, Gary Sax, Msample, Jackwraith, lj1983, n815e

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30 Jun 2023 15:10 #339856 by Msample
For arguments sake, lets say one of these MIA pallets of stuff only gets half the money required to ship it - is PG gonna refund that money ? Of course not. You're basically gambling the others on "your" pallet are gonna pay up. I already saw one BGG say "hey if you're on pallet xyz there is no fucking way I am paying any more money".

PG is basically a ticking financial time bomb at this point.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Rliyen, Gary Sax, n815e

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30 Jun 2023 15:52 #339858 by Jackwraith
Yep. At this point, all you're doing is throwing more money down a hole and raising the cost to you of something you already paid for and expected to receive by paying THEIR costs that they can't currently afford to cover. This isn't even the add-on expansion that they dreamed up to get things out of China. Now it's just directly paying for their operation and getting nothing but what you originally paid for. It's like ordering a steak at a restaurant and then being told that you have to pay more- right now -for the waiter to actually bring it to your table. They're relying on financial projections (although the idea of either Arthur or Sandy being capable of making decent financial projections is absurd on its face, given the way the business has been run for its entire existence) of money coming in from retailers in order to fulfill the shipping costs. And that money WILL come in. I've already been getting emails from various places about their holiday sales, prominently featuring Cthulhu Wars and the expansions (Bubastis and Daemon Sultan) that were first printed in this KS. So the cash flow will happen. The real question is whether they'll divert some of that cash flow to finance their other Kickstarters and keep the money flowing to this delivery process at the minimum they stated would be "feasible" (6 pallets/month), since they already have people on the hook to cover a portion of their costs and will doubtlessly get more as the next 18 months stretch out and people get more frustrated. Scum and villainy, yo.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Msample, hotseatgames

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30 Jun 2023 17:23 #339860 by Shellhead
Cthulhu Wars: the Daemon Sultan update #183: Sandy needs all backers to bend over so he can more easily reach your wallets.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Rliyen, Msample, Jackwraith

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